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Arthur C. Ellis
Jul 20, 20192 min read
Step Outside Your Comfort Zone
Step Outside Your Comfort ZoneI’m not a huge fan of comfort zones. Rest assured, I want to make sure you are comfortable when you arrive...
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Arthur C. Ellis
Jul 18, 20191 min read
Abundance, Transformation & Rest
Hey friend! Today, I want to put two things on your heart. #1: You exist in abundance. You are enough, you are doing enough, you have...
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Arthur C. Ellis
Jul 4, 20191 min read
Just lean into it!!
You have to decide to lean into it. Ya know, your problems, your grief, your unhappiness, your sense of hopelessness, your confusion on...
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Arthur C. Ellis
Jun 16, 20192 min read
It's time to be the REAL you!
It's time to be the REAL you!Raise your hand if you always come 'thiiiis-close' to booking a boudoir session, but then talk yourself out...
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