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Writer's pictureArthur C. Ellis

Family Photography For Busy Moms and Families

Updated: Jul 13, 2022

Family Photography For Busy Moms and FamiliesDear mom who wants and needs family photos:

You just had to have a coffee after a long night of playing nurse to your youngest one and today you are the carpool mom-of-the-day for your middle one and his classmates, so you stopped at the local coffee shop. You have your youngest in your arms, your middle one is pulling on your pant leg worried about getting separated and your head is on a constant swivel trying to keep a watchful eye on the oldest kid. Your hair is in a “messy bun” or was it in a bun that was messy? I see you . . .

Busy mom grabbing a cup of coffee
Family photography for busy moms by Arthur Ellis photography in Charleston, SC

You pile the kids back into the car. You get to your middle child’s classmate’s house for the carpool. You run in for the warm hand-off and you see on the wall family photographs beautifully framed and artistically hung. You instantly feel the tug . . . the tug you have felt more and more lately. You hear the voice in your head say: “I don’t have anything resembling this in my house. Where are pictures of my family on our walls?” A wave of jealous washes over you. You suddenly feel inadequate as a mom, wife, and as a woman. The kind of feeling that makes you ask yourself: do I stack up to this mom or any of the other mom? A good mom would have beautiful pictures hung in a place that will be seen each day. I need images that say there is love in my home! I see you . . .

You take a quick break at work to scan your family photos on your phone and you realize you have so many that have never been printed and more importantly you notice that you aren’t in many of them! Suddenly your mental checklist asks to be reviewed and your gaze is a million miles away as you realize that tonight there is dinner to make, the kitchen to clean, homework to police, bathes to be given, bedtime stories, a couple loads of laundry waiting to be washed, dried, folded and put away. Where is the carpooling schedule? Are there any medical appointments tomorrow? I think there is a soccer game tomorrow – WAIT!!! I think it’s my turn for snacks. Which one needs snacks ? You think “WHICH ONE NEEDS SNACKS?” but all you hear is crickets. Who can I call? I see you . . .

Mom, dad and child cooking together
Family photography Charleston, SC - Arthur Ellis Photography

You’re tired or maybe it’s exhaustion. You’ve picked up the kids, made and served dinner and cleaned the kitchen, you’ve finally you pried hubby from the tv to go find out why child #1 and child #2 are yelling and jumping on the bed. 30 minutes later you find him watching tv in the bedroom. You’ve read the stories, gave the baths, the kids are in bed (but not asleep clearly) and you ask hubby to help with tomorrow’s carpooling, so you can pick up the middle one and take him to Tae Kwon Do and pick up the littlest one from daycare. You start reviewing the calendar and try and remember if there are any doctor’s appointments and you remember that the oldest needs to go to the orthodontist in a couple of days and you realize hubby has drifted away from the kitchen island to do who knows where. You figure out a game plan and tell him his chores for the week. It’s much later than you thought so there will be no relaxing bath for you tonight. I see you . . .

Finally, you are on the couch for a cuppa tea and look at the photos on your phone again and wonder what photographer can help me plan this out and ensure professional images on my walls in beautiful designer frames that fit my décor, or maybe some of those matted images you can change out when the mood strikes or maybe an album. You tune out that Netflix episode to scan and read but you hear voices of the two boys going at it and you get distracted. You turn off the TV and go upstairs to be a referee. I see you . . .

Mom, son and daughter posing for a photograph
Family photography Charleston, SC by Arthur Ellis Photography

It’s the weekend and after sports in the morning and a few minor errands you can finally spend some quality “me” time. This is your chance to relax, have some wine, maybe a few beers, maybe a date night with hubby, or close friends or dinner and drinks with your BFFs. As you get ready for the evening, you catch yourself in the mirror and lament there will be no pictures until you lose at least 10 lbs. Did I look like this before kids?? I hate the lighting in this room – it’s giving me an extra chin. I must get a few new outfits before any pictures are taken. You can’t come to terms with that women in the mirror because you feel younger than you are in the mirror. Where has the time gone? You sense a disconnect from hubby and miss the quality time with the kids. In between the conversations, you think about those family photos you saw on the wall and you know you want to get them done but you just don’t want to give up time with your tribe to put on a show for a photographer and given your hectic schedule you just want to relax with the fam and enjoy Charleston and all it has to offer. I see you . . . .

A child sitting on the ground with a cute expression
Family and children photography by Arthur Ellis Photography

Mom, I will come to your home. I will plan the entire session, the outfits, the location and show you some poses. I specialize in creating beautiful timeless family images designed especially for display in a stylish family home. My wall art will compliment your décor perfectly. I make sure the images are the right size and where to best hang them – heck I will even hang them for you! I will corral the kids during our session, get dad involved, and pose you so you look stunning!! When you see these images on your wall you won’t be able to stop smiling because you realize just how much love there is. The love you have built!

I see you . . .

Mother and daughter hugging each other.
Family photography of mom with cancer hugging her daughter by Arthur Ellis Photography

Yes, I see you mom. I see your heart and feel the love you have for your little ones and hubby. My photography will show you the stuff you miss too often. I see the girl inside you, you know, the gorgeous woman who likes to laugh, dance, kid around, wrestle, high-five, toss a ball, enjoy the moments with the kids and see the look of love and admiration from your hubby that you or others just can’t capture on your phone. I see the way your youngest is a little timid and won’t let go of your hand or pant leg and is constantly reaching up to you because he feels safe and secure in your arms. I see your hubby as the family protector and source of strength, and you will see that too in my photography. I see how you look at your kids, and how much those moments mean to them. You look at your hands and you see worn hands. I look at your hands and see the hands that turn the storybook pages, wipe noses and heal the bumps and bruises. I look at your hands and realize that tonight they will be building more love and will hug your loved ones tightly.

Years from now, when your kids look at these images, they will hear your voice, remember your touch, your warm embrace, feel your hugs and your breath as you kissed their foreheads. They will treasure these images because it is you who gave them the moon and the stars.

I see you . . .

I am ready if you are . . .

I am Arthur . . .

I am a photographer . . .

You’ve got this!

Arthur Ellis, is owner and photographer at Arthur Ellis Photography, in Charleston, SC. He specializes in Portraits / Headshots, Family & Children, and Boudoir photography. He can be reached through his website:

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