(A guarantee to make you fall in love with yourself!)
Every morning when I look into the mirror, I focus on my imperfections. Sometimes, I avoid looking at myself in the mirror if at all possible. I have long since forgotten the vast array pledges, promises, and even efforts to address my weight, wrinkles and finally settled on: “maybe later… “
Does this sound like you?
Well, if it does then let me assure you, you are not alone. There are so many women out there who are in the same boat.
But wait!
What if I tell you that I've got something I guarantee helps (and has helped) many women overcome these insecurities? A Boudoir Photography Session!
Sounds unbelievable, right? Well, keep reading . . . Hi, my name is Arthur Ellis and I'm a Charleston, SC based published boudoir photographer with experience
in portrait photography. I’ve photographed 1,000s of woman. Here I share 6 reasons why getting a customized boudoir photography session will help you fall in love with
yourself again and each and every time you look at your images!
So, let's get started . . .
· You Simply Want to Celebrate ‘Yourself ‘- Opinions are like belly buttons, everyone has one! Let’s focus on your opinion and yours alone. Let’s recast that opinion and focus on the pride you have of your one-of-a kind personality and why now is the best time to celebrate

YOU each and every day. I want my photography to celebrate your self-love without you feeling like you have to be someone else. The realization will come to you once your first few images have been taken and I show you the back of the camera. You will finally relax and be yourself without comparing you to anyone else. We are all imperfect and once you realize that you can look oh-so-good even with your perceived imperfections – the celebrations can begin!
· You’ve Never Achieved Your Ideal Weight (or maybe you have!) - I have worked with models for sure. Most of the women I work with are not models. The women I work with come in all shapes and sizes; unfiltered, unedited and not Photoshopped. Forget the weight issue. It absolutely does NOT matter whether you have or haven’t achieved some number. If you have WHOO HOO let’s celebrate with a session and if you haven’t reached some number well WHOO HOO – let’s celebrate with a session.You do not need to change. You are ready for this experience just as you are. You don't need to lose weight, get Botox, or get surgery first. You are beautiful NOW, you are worthy now, and you are deserving of this now. This is the time to celebrate the joy of being yourself- the way you are, in your own body, under your own skin. Repeat after me: “I am worthy of self-love”. Let’s memorialize where you are right now in life.

· Celebrating milestones - Birthdays are one of the most common reasons to celebrate and indulge in a luxury boudoir session. Any birthday is the right birthday to celebrate. Turning 27, or hitting the big 30, ‘fabulous at 40’ or turning 50, 60 or beyond. Hey, becoming a goddess of grace and wisdom is a perfect reason to come out of your comfort zone AND flaunt your individuality no matter what your age!
· Making a life transition - Whether you are dealing with (or have) dealt with a divorce or a messy breakup, you aren’t just an “ex” now. You are a living, breathing gorgeous woman. Let’s put on that invisible crown and show the world the woman you are TODAY. Let’s build an album, prints and wall art and give you a chance to focus on yourself, build back that confidence and realize that you still got what it takes before starting a new relationship. Imagine looking at these images today, months and for years to come and appreciate who you are and how far you have come.
· You’ve Got a New Job or You Don’t Have a New Job – Changing or scoring your dream job are popular reasons to treat yourself. Both are good reasons to celebrate. Book a free consultation and let’s discuss how you want to show just how fabulous you are.

· You are often comparing yourself to other women. -- I am 100% sure you have done your research and looked at boudoir photos of other women, and further you compared yourself to them, too!! We all do it. I will guarantee that when you that is in front of the camera, we have the first few images under our belt, i am going to show you the back of the camera and believe me -- something special happens. You start to understand all the ways that you’re beyond compare. And every time you look at your own boudoir photos, it will be a reminder of that.
With the insanely busy schedule you keep, running here and there, work, responsibilities at home, maybe children, a partner, and all the other stuff, when have you stepped away from responsibilities, the never-ending chores, and stress to focus on YOU? Don’t neglect yourself for too long.
Imagine a half-day of a customized session just for you, with a pre-consultation, wardrobe review, maybe a shopping trip, hair & makeup session, and treats to snack on, (hey, you can’t do a session without chocolate!! 😊). I want you to experience a spa-like pampering that will make you feel confident, secure and absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Opening up and discovering your sassy, beautiful, confident self is what matters most to me.
Let’s create your story to keep to yourself, share with a special person or publicly proclaim your awesomeness!
Have a story of self-love to share? Comment below and let other women know!
You got this!!
Arthur Ellis is a published photographer found in Charleston SC and specializes in photographing women. He is obsessed with revealing the beauty in every woman.
He can be contacted through his website at: https://www.arthurellisphotography.com/